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Assessment and Data Headlines

Early Years Foundation Stage outcomes for July 2023

67% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years Framework. 


KS1 data


Year 1 Phonic Screening outcomes for July 2023

83% of pupils in Year 1 attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. 

100% of pupils in Year 2 attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. 


At the end of KS1 (Year2), teachers are required to assess each child in the areas of reading, writing, Maths and science. National Curriculum assessment tests are used to support teacher judgements. 


Judgements are made as follows:

Expected Standard – Working at the expected standard for a child at the end of Year 2

Greater Depth – Working at greater depth within the expected standard, with a strong understanding of the curriculum.


Year 2 outcomes for July 2023

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading: 87%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Reading: 20%

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing: 77%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Writing: 3%

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Maths: 97%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Maths: 3%


Children in Year 6 are also assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. 


The results of the SATs (tests) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. The highest possible score is 120 and the lowest is 80.


Children are awarded one of the following Teacher Assessment judgements in writing:

Expected Standard - Working at the expected standard for their age

Greater Depth - Working at greater depth within the expected standard and has a strong understanding of the curriculum.


In addition to these measures and in line with requirements, we have reported the percentage of children achieving a High Standard. Children with a scaled score of 110 and above are included in this group.


KS2 data


Year 6 outcomes for July 2023

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading: 74% National 73%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Reading: 52% 

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing: 90% National 71%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Writing: 13% 

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Maths: 81% National 73%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Maths: 29% 

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: 84% National 72%

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: 42%


Progress scores 



Department for Education Performance Data - St John's Church of England Academy (click)


Reading, writing and maths combined 

65% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined.

10% of pupils achieved the higher standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined.






Department for Education Performance Data - St John's Church of England Academy