Child Leadership
At St. John’s, we provide lots of opportunities for children to lead on different areas within school. Here is an outline of some of the main teams:
School Council
Two children from each year group represent their class on the School Council. Each half term, the children complete focused learning around a focus school value. There are child-led opportunities throughout the year for children to complete courageous advocacy linked to the vision and values. See our School Council page on our website - click here!
Spotlight ‘Worship’ team
Two children from each year group represent their class as part of the ‘Spotlight’ worship team. Their role is to permeate our school’s ‘Christian Distinctiveness’ throughout the school. Some of their roles and responsibilities include:
- Planning, delivering and evaluating worship regularly
- Learning regularly alongside other schools to reflect and share learning linked to Christianity and appreciate diversity and differences
- Planning, leading and evaluating ‘worship’ clubs for younger children
- Sharing learning with each other and are pro-active in making a difference. e.g. Harvest
Prayer Garden team
This is a child-led prayer group which takes place in our Prayer Garden at lunchtimes. The children plan, resource and lead ‘Christianity’ sessions for younger children including: Prayer, Dance, Bible Stories, Drama and creative activities.
School News Team
1.Newsreaders are set up to plan, write and share school news on a weekly basis during the ‘Celebration worship’ with parents.
2.The St. John’s Newspaper is child-led and focuses on all aspects of child leadership and a celebration of school life. It is planned, written and distributed by the children to all members of the St. John’s family. Click here to see the latest edition!