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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 2023 – 2024!

To start the new school year we have been sharing the text, ‘Our Classis a Family’ written by Shannon Olsen. We have thought about being part of a team as a class and a school and other teams we belong to. We have thought about our ‘jobs’ as learners and what makes a great learning partner and a really amazing friend.


Take a look at what we are learning about next this term!

Summer 1

We are very excited for the Summer Term!

In English we will be exploring an Egyptian Portal Story to create our very own stories. We will also be enjoying some poetry this half term.


We are very much looking forward to exploring the life of the Egyptians this term. We have lots of exciting things in store!

Spring Term

Wow! What an amazing half term in Year 3! This half term Year 3 have been learning all about Rainforests through our topic ‘Going Global’. They have been exploring the differences between Temperate and Tropical rainforests as well as using both the Atlas and computer mapping to locate The Amazon Rainforest and Crinan Woods. They have explored the four different layers of the rainforest and the conditions there. The children enjoyed our trip to the Botanical Gardens where we learnt many fascinating facts about the Rainforest and the animals that live there. Many of the children held or touched some animals such as a cockroach, bearded dragon and a snake! We are looking forward to continuing with our learning in Spring 2.


Our English learning this half term has been based on the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Year 3 have very much enjoyed exploring the story and creating some fantastic, detailed character descriptions. The children have also explored the features of newspaper articles, looking at their style and content before creating their own amazing newspaper reports around the Iron Man being spotted.


 In Maths, we have been working hard on using different methods for both multiplication and division. The children have been amazing at recalling their 3 and 4 times tables. We have also looked at length this half term where the children have been converting between mm, cm and m.


A look ahead to Spring 2


There are lots of exciting things ahead in Spring 2!

In Maths, we will be looking at calculating the perimeter of a variety of different shapes. We will also be looking at fractions where we be showing an understanding of unit fractions and then comparing and ordering them. Finally we will look at mass and capacity and how to measure both.  


In English, we will be focusing on the text 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry. This fiction text touches on the impact of deforestation and has

Autumn 1 

This term our curriculum for History, Geography, Art and Design and Technology is taught through our ‘Set in Stone’ curriculum, where we have been exploring life in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and how this changed over time. We have learned where in history this time period is, using timelines and have explored life in the Stone Age such as farming and hunting. We had an amazing visit to Compton Verney to experience life in the Stone Age! Thank you to all the parents helpers for making our day so much fun!


Our English learning is based around the text 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszca. The children have enjoyed looking at this interesting twist on a traditional tale and have written their own amazing alternative version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 


In Science we are investigating Animals and Humans. We have made a great start to exploring the human body, investigating different types of skeletons and identifying the bones within the body and the function of the skeletal system. 


Autumn 2 

We are continuing to learn about life in The Stone Age, focusing on the

geography of stone age settlements and looking at how houses evolved throughout this period.


Our English learning is based on the Claude books by Alex T. Smith. The children are enjoying exploring Claude in the Country as a basis for writing their own version of the Story – Claude at the Beach. We can’t wait to read the children’s stories and seeing where their imagination takes them.


In Science we are working hard on our Chemistry unit of Rocks. The children have had great fun exploring different types of rock, deciding which are natural and which are man-made. The children are looking forward to creating their own fossils to help understand the fossilisation process! 






Welcome to Year 3 2022-2023


Year 3 have had an amazing start to the year! The children are settling in with a transition unit based on the text 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers, which has enabled us to get to know all the children and we are ready for a fantastic term! The children have already produced some amazing writing and illustrations. We have lots to look forward to over the year!

Spring 2023

Another amazing half term! Year 3 have been learning all about Rainforests through our topic ‘Going Global’. They have been exploring the differences between Temperate and Tropical rainforests as well as using both the Atlas and computer mapping to locate The Amazon Rainforest and Crinan Wood. They have explored the four different layers of the rainforest and the conditions there, along with the different animals and insects you may find. Our outdoor learning sessions have supported our topic such as when the children created a diorama of a tropical rainforest and a 2D image of  a temperate rainforest and then compared them.


Our English learning has been based on the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Year 3 have very much enjoyed exploring the story and creating some fantastic, detailed character descriptions of The Iron Man using many of the SPaG features they have learnt such as 2a sentences and similes. The children have also explored the features of newspaper articles, looking at their style and content before creating their own amazing newspaper reports.


In Maths, the children have been working hard on Multiplication and division. The children have done brilliantly in learning the written methods and applying these to a variety of problems.


A look ahead to Spring 2 2023


There are lots of exciting things ahead in Spring 2! Year 3 will be visiting the Birmingham Botanical Gardens to see first hand a variety of tropical plants and animals to support their topic learning. We will then continue to learn about the Ancient Mayans and begin our Design and Technology unit on pulleys and how these could be a useful mechanism in the rainforest. We, of course, look forward to sharing and celebrating the children’s amazing home learning when they bring in their learning log projects at the end of the unit.


In Maths, we will be focusing on fractions. The children will be ordering and comparing fractions as well as identifying equivalent fractions and what the term equivalent means. They will then move on to adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.


In English, we will be focusing on the text 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry. This fiction text touches on the impact of deforestation and has links to our topic 'Going Global'. We will be exploring the pictures of the text to create setting descriptions. 


In Science we will be exploring Forces and Magnets. The children will get hands on when we sort objects using magnets and explore the effects of friction on a moving object.

An exciting half term ahead!

Year 3 Stone Age Day - Outdoor Learning

Still image for this video

Autumn 1 


This term our curriculum for History, Geography, Art and Design and Technology is taught through our ‘Set in Stone’ learning topic where we have been exploring life in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and how this changed over time. We have learned where in history this time period is, using timelines and have explored life in the Stone Age such as farming and hunting.  


Our English learning is based around the text 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszca. The children have enjoyed looking at this interesting twist on a traditional tale and have written their own amazing alternative version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 


In Science we are investigating Animals and Humans. We have made a great start to exploring the human body, investigating different types of skeletons and identifying the bones within the body and the function of the skeletal system. 


Autumn 2 


This term, Year 3 have continued to learn about life in The Stone Age, focusing on the geography of stone age settlements and looking at how houses evolved throughout this period. Our learning culminated in a fantastic Stone Age day in our very own outdoor learning area. The children thoroughly enjoyed this day. Thank you to all the parents who helped, you truly made this day possible. 


Our English learning has been based on the Claude books by Alex T. Smith. The children enjoyed exploring Claude in the Country as a basis for writing their own version of the Story – Claude at the Beach. Mr Bennett thoroughly enjoyed reading the children’s stories and seeing where their imagination took them.


In Maths, we have been working hard on our times tables. Spending time recapping our 2’s, 5’s and 10’s from year Two, before moving on to working on the 3’s, 4’s and even the 8’s. Times tables are such an important skill, regular practise is so important to develop recall of those multiplication and division facts! 


In Science we have been working hard on our Chemistry unit of Rocks. The children have had great fun exploring different types of rock, deciding which are natural and which are man-made. The children even got to create their own fossil to help understand the fossilisation process! 


Another amazing half term!




Welcome to Year 3 2021-2022


Year 3 have made an amazing start to the new school year! They have settled in brilliantly and are eager to learn! It is lovely to be teaching the class again and to see how much they have grown and developed since teaching them in Reception! It is lovely to be part of their learning journey through the school once again! We have a brilliant year ahead and lots to look forward to!


Miss Lannie, Mrs Farndon and Miss McNulty

Autumn 1


This term our curriculum for History, Geography, Art and Design and Technology is taught through our ‘Set in Stone’ learning. Where we will be exploring life in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and how this changed over time. We have a very exciting trip planned to Compton Verney after Half Term where we will be spending the day engaging in some fantastic stone age activities such as building a campfire and tasting some traditional Stone Age foods! Don’t forget to look out for our virtual 'Come and Share' and 'Time to Shine' sessions, where you can get a closer look at our learning! 


Our English learning is based around the text 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszca. The children are thoroughly enjoying looking at this interesting twist on a traditional tale and are preparing to write their own alternative versions of a familiar story.


In Science we are investigating Animals and Humans. We have made a great start to exploring the Human Body, investigating different types of skeletons and identifying the bones within the body.

Autumn 2


This term Year 3 have been learning all about life in The Stone Age. They have thoroughly enjoyed exploring how housing has changed over time as well as tasting and making their own bread. We had a fantastic time on our trip to Compton Verney where we got well and truly stuck in to Stone Age life, making our own Wattle and Daub houses, fire lighting and creating our very own Cave Art. If you haven’t already, take a look at our Come and Share video on Seesaw where Year 3 were very excited to share their learning with you.


Our English learning has been based on the Claude books by Alex T. Smith. The children enjoyed exploring Claude in the Country as a basis for writing their own version of the Story – Claude at the Beach. Miss Lannie thoroughly enjoyed reading the children’s stories – it’s clear that we have some potential future authors on our hands! We were also very lucky to experience an amazing visit from Alex T. Smith who gave us some top tips for writing a story and taught us how to draw Claude.


In Maths, we have been working hard on our times tables. Spending time recapping our 2’s, 5’s and 10’s from year Two, before moving on to working on the 3’s, 4’s and even the 8’s. Times tables are such an important skill, regular practise is so important to develop recall of those multiplication and division facts!


In Science we have been working hard on our Chemistry unit of Rocks. The children have had great fun exploring different types of rock, deciding which are natural and which are man-made. We enjoyed exploring the process of fossilisation and were lucky enough to experience a workshop on Rocks and Fossils from some of our lovely parents!


Another amazing half term! Miss Lannie, Mrs Farndon and Miss McNulty are very excited to see what the Spring Term has in store!





Spring 1


In the Spring Term, year 3 will develop their knowledge and understanding of rainforests- their climates, people and creatures through our topic ‘Going Global’ We will be investigating deforestation and its global impact whilst considering how fair trade provides a positive way forward. In Art, we will be exploring the work of Henri Rousseau, creating our own Rainforest art work in his style using various materials.


In English, we will be creating our very own Mythical Creatures as a basis for writing a Non-chronological report. We will be unpicking the features of this style of non-fiction text and will be creating a fact file of information about our mythical creatures in preparation for our writing.


In Maths, we will be continuing to work on our Multiplication and Division skills. We will be learning how to use the short multiplication method and the bus stop method to solve calculations.



Spring 1


Wow! Another amazing half term! This half term Year 3 have been learning all about Rainforests through our topic ‘Going Global’. They have been exploring the differences between Temperate and Tropical rainforests as well as using both the Atlas and computer mapping to locate The Amazon Rainforest and Crinan Woods. They have explored the four different layers of the rainforest and the conditions there, along with the different animals and insects you may find. We are looking forward to continuing with our learning in Spring 2.



Our English learning this half term has been based on the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Year 3 have very much enjoyed exploring the story and creating some fantastic, detailed character descriptions of The Iron Man using many of the SPaG features they have learnt such as 2a sentences and similes. The children have also explored the features of newspaper articles, looking at their style and content before creating their own amazing newspaper reports centered on the sighting of The Iron Man.



 In Maths, we have been working hard on Fractions. Year 3 have been ordering and comparing fractions as well as identifying equivalent fractions and what the term equivalent means. They have worked hard on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.




A look ahead to Spring 2


There are lots of exciting things ahead in Spring 2!

In Maths, we will be be focusing on money to add and subtract amounts as well as giving change. We will also be working on our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills using the formal written methods we have previously learnt. 


In English, we will be focusing on the text 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry. This fiction text touches on the impact of deforestation and has links to our topic 'Going Global'. We will be exploring the pictures of the text to create setting descriptions. 



This half term Year 3 have continue learning all about life in the Rainforest. They have enjoyed exploring the life of the Mayans in History as well as using their Geography skills to locate and explore the Amazon rainforest. We had a fantastic time on our trip to the Botanical Gardens where we explored tropical plants as well as getting up close and personal with some amazing rainforest creatures! The children have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and we have been extremely proud of their amazing learning, not to mention their phenomenal learning log projects completed at home!


Our English learning this half term has been based on the text 'The Great Kapok Tree' alongside our rainforest unit. The children created some amazing rainforest setting descriptions as well as writing some super diary entries, taking on the role of a key character from within the story. Miss Lannie and Mrs Farndon are super impressed with the children's handwriting!


In Maths, we have been working hard on Geometry. We have been exploring the different types of angles and seeing if we can spot them in the world around us. We have also been recapping using formal methods to solve multiplication and division questions, putting our learning into problem solving contexts.


In Science we have been exploring Forces and Magnets. The children have enjoyed practical Science from sorting objects using magnets to exploring the effects of friction on a moving object.



A Look Ahead to Summer...

Miss Lannie and Mrs Farndon are very excited for the Summer Term!

In English we will be exploring an Egyptian Portal Story to created our very own stories. We will also be enjoying some poetry this half term.


Our Maths learning this half term will be centered around Measures. We will be beginning with Time where we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest minute as well as using the 24 hour clock.


We are very much looking forward to exploring the life of the Egyptians this term. We have lots of exciting things in store!


Wow! Another amazing half term in Year 3!

We started the half term with swimming. The children were fabulous and it was lovely to see their smiles in the water!


In Maths, we have been focusing on telling the time, a tricky life skill! We have been telling the time using both an analogue and digital clock, to the nearest minute. We have also began measuring length in cm, mm and m. We will be continuing with this learning after half term.


In English, Year 3 have written some amazing Egyptian portal stories which have been a joy to read! The children included some fantastic word choices within their stories and went on some exciting journeys!


We have thoroughly enjoyed getting into our new unit 'Egyptian Discovery'. We have used our Geographical skills to locate Egypt on a world map and have began exploring the River Nile and its many uses.


Overall, another super half term full of amazing learning! We are looking forward to seeing what the final half term of year 3 brings! 

A look ahead to next half term...


We have so much to look forward to in our final half term of Year 3!

In Maths, we will continue exploring measure, focusing on length and capacity. We will also be looking at Statistics and presenting data in various ways.


In English, we will be continuing to focus on the Egyptians to produce Non-chronological reports all about Egyptian life. We will also be looking at poetry and performing a poem together.


Within our 'Egyptian Discovery' unit, we will be creating some amazing art work using clay. We also have a very exciting visitor coming into school. Don't forget about our Come and Share and Time to Shine dates - the children love having the opportunity to share their learning with their parents! Please see our school newsletter for more details!

What an amazing final half term we have had in Year 3!

In Maths, we have had great fun learning about all things measure! We have had some great practical lessons exploring length, capacity and weight. We have also worked hard to consolidate our learning on using formal written calculations to solve calculations around the four operations. 


In English, we have worked incredibly hard on our Reading VIPERs during our whole class reading sessions. We have also explored the text 'Flotsam' and have produced some fantastic written work from setting descriptions and short stories to persuasive letters to our local supermarkets.


We have thoroughly enjoyed our Egyptian Discovery Unit this half term. We were lucky enough to have a visit from an Egyptian Goddess! The children had great fun completing a range of exciting activities from code breaking and acting to myth writing. We have also had great fun during our Art and DT lessons where we have created our own model pyramids using clay as well as putting our sawing techniques to the test to create a wooden sarcophagus! We were very excited to finish off the unit by sharing our fantastic learning with our parents!


In all an absolutely amazing Year! We have had some much fun, creating wonderful, lifelong memories whilst learning an awful lot this year! Thank you for an amazing year!
