Wellbeing Ambassadors
We were selected to be Wellbeing Ambassadors after we applied for the role. We aim to be outstanding role models around school and to help other children by listening to problems and helping to restore friendships when people have a falling out. We also lead games for children who might not have anyone to play with, help share our expertise through delivering Collective Worship, raise awareness through fundraising and try to ensure that everyone is happy in school. You will recognise us by our 'I've got time to talk badges.'
We will help you by
- Listening to you
- Helping you to find a solution to a problem
- Helping you to find someone to play with
- Helping you understand how to be a kind friend
We have learned how to use questions to:
- talk about conflict calmly
- listen to each person’s point of view
- recognise the emotions felt during the conflict
- help everyone involved decide on a way to repair any harm caused
These questions are:
- What happened?
- What were you thinking when it happened?
- How are you now?
- What do you need to feel better?
- What needs to happen to put things right?
We will be on the playgrounds during lunchtimes to help anyone who seems lonely, sad or who is having a friendship difficulty.
We will report back to Mrs Henderson, who will help further.
How will you recognise us?
- We will be on the KS1 and KS2 playground during playtimes and lunchtimes.
- We will be wearing our badges.
- Our photos will be displayed around the school so that you can find us if you want to talk to us.
What we will do……….
If we notice anyone who looks sad or lonely we will ask if we can help them or invite them to join our game.
If anyone has a problem which has made them feel angry or upset, we will help you to have a chat to try to resolve the situation.