Outside Agencies
Speech and Language Therapy
At St John’s, we value the importance of developing children's speech and language and through teacher observations, assessments and working with outside agencies we make referrals into the Speech and Language Therapy service. We aim to support children to reach their full potential with speech, language and communication. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.coventrychildrensslt.co.uk/
Educational Psychology
As a school we buy into this traded service and our Educational Psychologist is Dr Sophie Quinn. She provides advice to support the development, learning and well-being of young people. She will work with some children and work with their parents/carers as part of the support we offer as a school. Also, when an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) has been applied for, an EP (not necessarily, Sophie) will come into school to assess the child as part of the process. For more information on what their service offers, please visit their website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk/educational-psychology/eps-information-young-people-parents
Complex Communication Team (CCT)
We also buy into this traded service. Amanda Rawlings is our CCT Specialist Teacher and she works closely with Mrs Henderson, SENDCO, to provide support for individuals, groups, families and school staff, and Amanda also delivers staff training on a bespoke basis.
As a school we have termly planning meetings and parents must give their consent and their views before any work begins. As part of the support offered, Amanda will meet pupils, talk to them about the things they are good at, the areas they find tricky and how they would like things to improve.
Information from parents, pupil and school is used alongside Amanda’s professional judgements to determine priorities and next steps. Recommendations for supportive strategies and interventions which will have a positive impact on pupil progress are provided to school. To find out more information, please visit their website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk/coventry-send-support-service/complex-communication-team
Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning (SEMH+L)
We also buy into this traded service. Mel Toller is our SEMH+L Specialist Teacher and she works closely with Mrs Henderson, SENDCO, to provide support for individuals, groups, families and school staff, and Amanda also delivers staff training on a bespoke basis.
Our SEMH+L specialist teacher promotes the positive mental health and wellbeing of children and young people with SEMH needs to increase their potential to live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives. SEMH+L Specialist Teachers also use their expertise to help diagnose students with an isolated area of learning need, such as literacy or numeracy in order to raise attainment and life chances. Part of the SEMH+L service allows us to refer to Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) teachers who use their expertise to diagnose students as having a SpLD (e.g. dyslexia) or help students through interventions or train staff in order to raise attainment and life chances.
Other Outside Agencies
As a school we are also able to refer children to other services to help support your child’s needs and you as a family. Here are a few of them. There are many more we can refer to or support you in referring to, please speak to Mrs Henderson if you have any questions, worries or would like support with next steps for your child.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Children’s Occupational Therapy Team offers a service to children with identified co-ordination and/or fine motor difficulties that are clearly impacting upon function at home or school and cannot be attributed to their level of learning. Also for children with a physical disability within mainstream school where the physical disability is affecting function. This is a service which the school can refer your child to if you have any concerns or you can seek advice from your GP. To find out more information, please visit their website: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/service-detail/health-service/occupational-therapy-childrens-23/
RISE - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
This is a multi-agency and multi-disciplinary service specialising in the assessment and treatment of moderate to severe mental health difficulties that children and young people experience. If you have concerns about your child's mental health, please contact Mrs Henderson or your GP. More information can be found on their website: https://cwrise.com/
School Nursing Service
The school or your GP can refer you to the School Nursing Team. The School Nursing Service help with a range other needs such a behaviour, healthy eating, general health, sleeping and toileting etc. In some instances, the service may do a full health assessment of your child and then refer them to other professionals who may be better suited to supporting them and the family such as a paediatrician. Please contact Mrs Henderson if you would like more information or take a look at the links below.
Other Support Available
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)
Free, impartial, confidential information, advice and guidance for parents/carers of children with SEN.
Autism - Autism West Midlands
Advice, information and training for parents as well as events and groups for children can be found at Autism West Midlands:
ADHD/Mental Health - Young Minds
Young Minds are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We’re here to make sure they get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
Dyslexia - British Dyslexia Association
As a parent or carer for a child with dyslexia, you want to provide the best possible support for them. The information contained on this website looks at indicators of specific learning difficulties, as well as supporting your child both at home and within the education system to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcomes.
Dyspraxia - Dyspraxia Foundation
Offers help and advice to people with dyspraxia, parents, carers, and families about or on the subject of dyspraxia.