Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 2023 – 2024!
To start the new school year we have been sharing the text, ‘Our Class is a Family’ written by Shannon Olsen. We have thought about being part of a team as a class and a school and other teams we belong to. We have thought about our ‘jobs’ as learners and what makes a great learning partner and a really amazing friend.
Take a look at what we are learning about next this term!
Year 6 Summer Curriculum 2024
Maths this week - Summer 2024!
Summer 1
In the first half of the Summer Term, Year 6 will be writing a formal letter of complaint and a narrative based on a short animation called Alma; the narrative will help the children to show atmosphere and plot development, as well as integrating speech and dialogue to advance the action and develop the character. In Maths, we will be working on area, perimeter and volume; statistics; shape; and position and direction. In RE, we will be looking at Christianity and Gospels. We will continue exploring the circulatory system in Science, in addition to variations in species and adaptations. Our new topic will be I Will Shine, linking the history of theatre production with our end of year performance!
Year 6 Spring Curriculum 2024
Maths this week - Spring 2024
Year 6 – Spring 2 2024
In the second half of the Spring Term, Year 6 will be writing a persuasive text, linked with Coventry and using Firebird as a stimulus for writing and artwork. In Maths, our focus will be fractions, decimals and percentages and area, perimeter and volume. The Circulatory System is the Science unit and in RE, we will pose and discuss the question, ‘What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?’. We will continue with our Operation Moonlight Sonata topic, linking art and DT.
Year 6 Autumn Curriculum 2023
Maths this week!
Maths Strand Overviews
Autumn 1
In the first half of the Autumn Term, Year 6 will be reading Kensuke’s Kingdom, using this as a stimulus for poetry and setting descriptions. In Maths, we will begin with place value and written methods for all 4 operations. Electricity is the first Science unit followed by looking at renewable energy and sustainability. The Creation Story will start our RE learning and whether science is contradictory or complementary – this should spark some in-depth discussions. Our first topic is 'Catastrophe' which is based on natural disasters. We will look at tectonic plates and where the plate boundaries are located.
Autumn 2
In the second half of the Autumn Term, Year 6 will be writing a narrative based on Kensuke’s Kingdom, then moving on to writing a non-chronological report. After this we will look at Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick. In Maths, our focus will be all on fractions – comparing, ordering and calculating. Living Things & Habitats is the next Science unit followed by looking at renewable energy and sustainability. ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’ will be the RE learning and 'Catastrophe' which is based on natural disasters will continue to be the focus in Topic, looking at earthquakes in geography followed by art and DT links.
Welcome to Year 6 2022-2023
Year 6 have had an amazing start to the year! The children are settling in with a transition unit based on the text 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers, which has enabled us to get to know all the children and we are ready for a fantastic term! The children have already produced some amazing writing and illustrations. We have lots to look forward to over the year and Mrs Pugh and Mrs Collins are excited to continue this learning journey with the children.
Summer Curriculum 2023
Spring 2
The end of another great half term for year 6. We are enjoying our topic Operation Moonlight Sonata, finding out so many interesting and sometimes surprising facts about WW2. We had some real artifacts brought in from family members which were a privilege to share and created some wonderful writing outcomes to demonstrate our learning.
In Science we have been studying Evolution and adaptation, which has led to some very interesting discussions and thinking about genetics. In RE, we looked at the similarities and differences between the Christian and Islamic faith - a highlight being when we created some Islamic art tile to display in our classroom.
In English we have thoroughly enjoyed reading Goodnight Mister Tom and produced our own Chapter 1 narratives and even a formal political speech!
Maths has been fun learning about algebra, ratio and proportion. While in music, we have been learning the recorder - check out our playing on Facebook/Twitter.
It has been an exciting and interesting term and we are looking forward to continuing our topic and visiting Holdenby House for an evacuee experience day.
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
We have been working on our topic 'Operation Moonlight Sonata' based on WW2. This is my favourite topic and the children are always so enthusiastic about their learning.
We have been exploring how the war started, the leaders of the ally and axis countries and focus on the Coventry Blitz followed up with an exciting trip to enhance their learning. We had some real artifacts brought in from family members which were a privilege to share and created some wonderful writing outcomes to demonstrate our learning.
In English, we have continued the world war theme by using inspiration from the fantastic text 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. The children have written character descriptions and a diary as Tom Oakley - including Tom's accent within the writing!
Maths this half term has focused on some tricky algebra and ratio, and the children have tackled this with perseverance and drive.
In computing, the children became web page designers and in Science we explored the idea of evolution and adaptation.
While in music, we have been learning the recorder - check out our playing on Facebook/Twitter.
In Spring 2, we are continuing to enjoy our topic Operation Moonlight Sonata, finding out so many interesting and sometimes surprising facts about WW2. We are looking forward to continuing our topic and visiting Holdenby House for an evacuee experience day.
Autumn 2022 - Year 6 Curriculum documents
Year 6 Autumn 2 2022
Autumn 1
Year 6 have had a great half term learning about our topic 'Catastrophe' based on natural disasters. We have looked at the tectonic plates and how the plate boundaries are where the majority of the volcanoes and earthquakes are, written newspapers about the eruption of Vesuvius and explored the 3 types of plate boundaries using Oreo biscuits (this was definitely one of the classes highlights).
In English, we have read Kensuke's Kingdom and written some fabulous, poems, setting descriptions and stories from a different character's point of view. The children are using some fabulous vocabulary in their work.
In Science, we have been studying physics and 'Electricity'. We have recalled our previous knowledge to help us explore the key question 'Does the length of the wire effect the brightness of the bulb?' They had a very exciting afternoon investigating and proving their predictions!
In RE, we have looked at the creation story and whether science is contradicting or complementary. This enabled year 6 to have some in depth discussions and really reflect on different people's beliefs.
Next half term, we are looking forward to continuing with our topic and creating some artwork based on Andy Warhol and JM Turner, exploring the book 'Floodlands', moving onto biology and the circulatory system in Science and learning more about fractions in Maths.
Year 6
Year 6 - Summer Curriculum (2021-22)
Year 6 - Spring Curriculum (2021-22)
Year 1 - Autumn Curriculum (2021-22)
Welcome to Year 6
What a super start to the new school year! Year 6 have settled in amazingly and are already working hard and shining bright with our curriculum. Miss Porter and I are really pleased to be teaching your children again this year and are looking forward to watching them grow and develop over this year, with the support of Mrs Collins.
Mrs Pugh, Miss Porter and Mrs Collins.
Spring 1
This half term we have started our topic 'Operation Moonlight Sonata' based on WW2. This is my favourite topic and the children are always so enthusiastic about their learning.
We have explored how the war started, the leaders of the ally and axis countries and had a focus on the Coventry Blitz followed up with an excellent trip to the Cathedral (our first school trip in two years and so very exciting).
In English, we have carried through the world war theme by using inspiration from the fantastic text 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. The children have written some fantastic character descriptions and a diary as Tom Oakley - including Tom's accent within the writing!
Maths this half term has had a focus on some tricky algebra and ratio, but the children have achieved so much.
In computing, the children became web page designers and in Science we explored the idea of evolution and adaptation.
We have had a great half term and are working really hard. All the teachers are so pleased with the class and looking forward to next half term and carrying on with the WW2 theme, swimming lessons and lots more fun!
Spring 2
This half term has seen year 6 exploring even more about our interesting Topic 'Operation Moonlight Sonata'. As part of our art, we focused on the architect Basil Spence and his designs for the New Cathedral. The children sketched their own designs for a cathedral, which were super. For DT, we had a whole day dedicated to designing and building our own WW2 inspired toys, which used cams and levers. The effort the children put in was amazing; their was a lot of problem solving and tweaking of designs.
In English, the children created some super descriptions based on the Firebird by Saviour Pirotta and super balanced arguments discussing whether men should have had the choice to fight in WW2.
Science has seen the children learning about the classification system and the class was very excited to carry out some field work, exploring the animals that were in the school grounds.
French has been fun as always; practicing conversations and music lessons had the children singing harmonies.
We have had a super half term and are looking forward to the summer term with SAT's and end of year performances.
Autumn 1
This term our curriculum for History, Geography, Art and Design and Technology is taught through our 'Catastrophe' learning. We will investigate volcanoes and earthquakes and explore pop art and romanticism art. For DT we will be having visitors in to teach us about mechanisms through using lego - I am looking forward to seeing the children develop their skills and knowledge from Year 4 when they use levers, gears and sliders to create their Viking long boats. Look out for our virtual 'Come and Share' and 'Time to Shine' sessions, where you can get a closer look at their learning!
Our English is based around the text 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpugo, which the children are loving. Already they have produced some amazing poems and are working on setting descriptions, which are developing into super pieces of writing.
In Science we are investigating Electricity. We are building on the children's knowledge from year 4 and exploring different types of circuits and investigating what affects them.
Autumn 2
This half term year 6 have continued their learning all about natural disasters. We had an exciting start to the term with a visitor who taught us all about mechanical Lego – using sensors, motors and pulleys. We had a fantastic day and created some amazing emergency vehicle prototypes.
The rest of this half term has been looking at art by Andy Warhol and JMW Turner. We have experimented with oil pastels and watercolours; creating depth through layering, tints, tones and shading. Our finished pieces will be shared through our ‘Time to Shine’.
Our English work has been based on the book ‘Floodlands’ by Marcus Sedgewick; inspiring descriptions, letters and a balanced argument about one of the key characters in the story.
Maths has been tricky this term continuing with our fractions unit and moving on to decimals and percentages. Year 6 have been very resilient and proved to themselves just how hard they had worked in our end of term assessments, where they did brilliantly.
Science has been exploring the circulatory system and being healthy. One of the last tasks of the unit will be to create a heart using a glass jar! We cannot wait!
Mrs Pugh, Miss Porter and Miss Collins look forward to the Spring Term and moving onto our new curriculum Topic ‘Moonlight Sonata’, all about WW2. This is always a highlight in Year 6 and much anticipated.