Year 1
Welcome to Year 1 2024-2025
We have had a great start to the year!
Autumn Curriculum 2024
Maths this week - Autumn 2024!
Welcome to Year 1 2023 – 2024!
To start the new school year we have been sharing the text, ‘Our Classis a Family’ written by Shannon Olsen. We have thought about being part of a team as a class and a school and other teams we belong to. We have thought about our ‘jobs’ as learners and what makes a great learning partner and a really amazing friend.
Take a look at what we are learning about next this term!
Year 1 Summer Curriculum 2024
Maths this week - Summer 2024!
Summer 1
In Summer 1, we will finish off our ‘Time Travel’ topic before beginning our new curriculum topic: ‘Exploring the World’. We will be learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the World in geography. In History we will look at famous explorers such as Christopher Columbus. In DT we will be creating slider mechanisms. In English we will be continuing to read our new text ‘Grandad’s Island’. In Maths we will be continuing with place value to 50 and will look at length, height, mass, and volume. In RE our big question is ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’. In Science we will begin to learn about plants and look at how to care for the planet. We are so excited to start all of this brilliant learning!
Year 1 Spring Curriculum 2024
Maths this week - Spring 2024
Spring 1
What a fantastic start to the Spring term we had. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about London in the past and have learnt so much about the Great Fire of London. In English we had lots of fun writing a book review for Paddington at the Palace and writing instructions to make a sandwich for Paddington Bear. The children loved eating their sandwiches afterwards. In Maths we worked hard on 2D & 3D shapes and gaining a deeper understanding of place value with numbers to 20. In Science we started our animals topic and have learnt about mammals and birds so far. We have enjoyed starting to learn some new songs for an exciting performance coming up in Spring 2. In RE we learnt about Judaism and the children now know what an artefact is and can name and explain different Jewish artefacts. We are so excited for Spring 2 and all of the new and exciting learning it will bring!
Spring 2
What a fantastic end to the Spring term we had. The children thoroughly enjoyed continuing their learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’, we had a visit from the fire service which was fantastic. They also enjoyed mixing shades and tints to create GFOL Silhouette paintings in Art. In English we enjoyed writing recounts about ‘A Walk in London’ and started our new text ‘Grandad’s Island’. In Maths we worked hard with more addition and subtraction. In RE we learnt about the Easter Story and wrote beautiful Easter prayers. We had a fantastic morning at St John’s where we took part in ‘Mousike Ensemble’ which had the theme ‘One Planet, One World’ the children sang beautifully and were a credit to our school. It was year 1’s turn for a class assembly and the children did brilliantly explaining what ‘Excellence’ means and gave great examples of how they show this value in school. We are so excited for Summer 1 and all the new and exciting learning it will bring!
Year 1 Autumn Curriculum 2023
Maths this week!
Maths Strand Overviews
Autumn 1
This term we have started our ‘Coventry, St John’s and me!’ topic. In Geography we have been learning about maps and aerial views. We really enjoyed our walk around the area of Allesley Park to spot Human and Physical features. In art we learnt about primary colours and how to make secondary colours. We also learnt about the designer Brit Scott and designed and painted our own ‘I Will Shine’ logos.
Our English learning has been based around Little Red Riding Hood where we made our own wanted posters, interviewed the wolf and re-told the story using a story map. We then completed a non-fiction unit on fact files where we wrote lots of facts about our school. In maths our focus has been on Number and Place Value Within 10. Children have learnt to count forwards and backwards, find one more and one less, compare groups by matching and started to use the language of fewer, more and same. In science children have really enjoyed their physics work on seasonal changes in Autumn and learning about the human body in biology. In RE we have learnt about the creation story, and how Christians say thank you to God.
We have really enjoyed our Outdoor Learning sessions this term, we have made story sticks, gone on an outdoor treasure hunt, created values inspired artwork, made living books and taken part in lots of imaginative play using the forest! We can’t wait to continue these fantastic sessions next term.
Autumn 2
We will continue with our ‘Coventry, St John’s and Me!’ topic and will begin with History where we will look at family history and the history of our school. We are really looking forward to our ‘Come and Share’. In art we will learn about a famous artist called Pablo Picasso and will then have a design and technology day where we will look at healthy diets, correct ways to prepare fruit and vegetables and end with making a healthy snack.
Our first focus in English will be poetry where we will learn about and write our own firework poems. We will then move onto exploring the text ‘Beegu’. In maths we will move onto addition and subtraction within 10. ‘Materials’ is our next science chemistry unit where the children will be exploring and investigating different materials. ‘Who is a Christian and what do they believe’ will continue to be our focus in RE.
Summer Curriculum 2023
Summer 1 2023
In Summer 1, we will be starting our new curriculum topic: Exploring the World. We will be learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the World in geography. In History we will look at famous explorers such as Christopher Columbus. In DT we will be creating slider mechanisms. In English we will be reading our new text ‘Jabuti the Tortoise’ and will be writing character descriptions, stories, and fact files. In Maths we will be continuing with place value to 50 and will look at length, height, mass, and volume. In RE our big question is ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’. In Science we will begin to learn about plants. We are so excited to start all of this brilliant learning!
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
In the Spring Term, we started our new curriculum topic: Time Travel! We travelled back in time as we learnt about the Great Fire of London. In Design and Technology, we made our own Tudor Houses! They were incredible and the class and parents were amazing at supporting each other to complete the task. Truly showing our school value of Teamwork!
We have been learning about London today including famous people and famous London landmarks. In English we have been reading and writing our own stories about ‘Paddington at the Palace’ by Michael Bond. We also wrote instructions on how to make a marmalade sandwich, yum yum! In Maths we have been looking at shape and place value within 20.
Spring 2
What a fantastic end to the Spring term we had. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about London in the present and have learnt so much about Landmarks and the Royal Family. They also enjoyed doing some map work in Geography and creating Silhouette paintings in Art. In English we enjoyed making wanted posters for Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len as part of our story ‘What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday’. In Maths we worked hard with more pace value and addition and subtraction. In RE we learnt about the Easter Story and wrote beautiful Easter prayers. We had a fantastic morning at St John’s where we took part in ‘Mousike Ensemble’ which had the theme ‘Healthy Me, Healthy Mind’ the children sang beautifully and were a credit to our school. It was year 1’s turn for a class assembly and the children did brilliantly explaining what ‘Excellence’ means and gave great examples of how they show this value in school. We are so excited for Summer 1 and all the new and exciting learning it will bring!